Age: 17.
Forum name: odin x erik
In-game name: odin x erik
Spot applying for: Moderator.
Why you want this: to help others,I have good experiance about other server and i can help u to upgrade your server,hold up spamming,advertising,respectfull.
Experience:I never had a moderator status,but in my friends server I just help them with problems what they cant do.I have been playing in very much servers,thats why i now what could be upgraded and what can stay.
About you: I am 17 years old boy, i know what moderator must to do,im kinda nice man,I respect others(mod,staff,players,admins,and so on), Helpful to everybody.
Country(for time purposes): Latvia UTC +2.00
Why do you deserve this:Im kinda helpfull man.I hate the modarators ho ignore some noobys like lvl3 ho just start or smothing.I dont and i wont ignore none.
What can you do if your Given this spot: I can help u with some ideas about this server and offcorse i will do my job(help players).